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Evaluating Your Compliance Program


About this webinar

Stuff We’re Going To Think About Today…

  • Who has Expectations for Your Compliance Program?
  • Does Your Current Reality Match Expectations?
  • A Vision for a New Reality – Compliance in Real Time
  • How Do You Get There from Here?

Who Has Expectations for Your Compliance Program?

As a Compliance Professional, what are your expectations for your Compliance Program? In General…

…Most compliance professionals didn’t start their careers as compliance professionals. But however you ended up in compliance, you’ve almost certainly developed a real heart for the beneficiary if you’ve been in it for any length of time. You probably see yourself as something of a guardian or protector. And when things happen that cause harm to beneficiaries, it bothers you on a personal level. So you, too, expect your Compliance Program to be as effective as possible at protecting beneficiaries, as well as your organization

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with Evaluating Your Compliance Program

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